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St John’s has a well-equipped, computerised library from which all students may borrow each week. We ask that all children have a library bag to protect their books. There is borrowing each Wednesday and Thursday, and parents are encouraged to show an interest in the books that your child borrows. Children also participate in formal library lessons each Tuesday and Thursday. The library is open to students during the second half of lunchtime for quiet play and reading.

Ashton Scholastic Book Club operates within the school, providing families with the opportunity to purchase books and encourage reading at home.

Scholastic Book Club is available to purchase books online with free delivery to the school. All books purchased earn rewards, contributing to buying more books and resources for the school.

Students at St John’s participate in the annual Premier’s Reading Challenge, which encourages students to read a wide variety of specially selected books. If students reach their target, they receive a special certificate from the NSW Premier.

Each class has one library lesson each week, focusing on further developing literacy skills while enhancing research, report writing and library skills. Book Week is usually held in August where we celebrate with a special event which differs from year to year.
