St John’s has a very active social justice program with a dual focus on awareness and action. The student leaders lead the student body in a variety of initiatives including the Lenten CARITAS Appeal, St Vincent De Paul Appeals (winter and Christmas) and Catholic Mission.

St John’s fundraising focuses for each term throughout the year include:

Term 1

Caritas Global Support – In the form of Project Compassion Money boxes. Students are encouraged to actively donate money and each family receives a box to place in their own homes.

Term 2

Vinnies Winter Appeal - supporting locals and organised by Mini Vinnies leaders and team. Families donate goods and any money raised is given to the local St Vincent de Paul Conference.

Term 3

Catholic Mission - Global support – A Mission day organised by students is supported by a presentation from Richard Cootes from Catholic Mission. The activities include a variety of sport and fun games and competitions.

Term 4

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal - supporting Locals- Students and families are asked to support the local appeal through donating non-perishable goods, money or gifts, which are then distributed to needy locals at the festive time.

The school also supports MercyWorks – the charity run in conjunction with the Sisters of Mercy. St John’s encourages students to propose other areas for social justice work at a local level. From year to year this may change in response to the specific needs of the local community.
